Dirk Grunwald

Dirk Grunwald is Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, in the Department of Computer Science in 1989 and had been a member of the faculty of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado since that time.

Dr. Grunwald holds a joint appointment in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He was the Director of the Colorado Center for Information Storage (CCIS) in the early 2000’s until that center closed.

Dr. Grunwald is also founded and was the initial Faculty Director of the online Post-Baccalaureate degree in Computer Science.

Research Area

I work in the area of computer systems, broadly defined. This includes network, wireless networking, computer architecture as well as privacy and analysis of data sets. Previously, I have been involved in high performance computing and storage systems. I’m also interested in and publish on technology policy, particularly Internet and wireless policy.


Google does a better job of keeping track of my publications, citations and the like than I ever did.

Former Students

I’ve worked with a fantastic collection of Ph.D., M.S. and undergraduate students over the years.

Ph.D. students

  1. Max Hollingsworth (Ph.D. 2024) - wireless & mobile systems, propogation models.
  2. Zhang Liu (Ph.D. 2021 w/Sangtae Ha) - high performance networking & dist. sys. Currently Google.
  3. Eric Goodman (Ph.D. 2019) – scalable graph query systems for cybersecurity. Currently Sandia Lab.
  4. Ning Gao (Ph.D. 2018) - high performance distributed spatial indexing. Currently Meta.
  5. Andy Sayler (Ph.D. 2016) – network security. Currently Workday.
  6. Dola Saha (Ph.D. 2013 – wireless networks – Currently SUNY-Albany
  7. Aveek Dutta (Ph.D. 2013) – reconfigurable radio platforms – Currently Currently SUNY-Albany
  8. Frank Jones (Ph.D. 2013) - assistive systems for vision impared - Utah Valley University
  9. Jeff Fifield (Ph.D. 2012) - networking & architecture. Currently, Fellow, AMD.
  10. Daniel Fay (Ph.D.2012) - realtime / CPS – Currently, Sandia National Labs
  11. Caleb Phillips (Ph.D. 2013 w/Doug Sicker) – wireless networks, propogation models
  12. Kevin Bauer (PhD. 2011 w/Doug Sicker) – anonymity networks. Currently Sr. Staff at MIT Lincoln Labs
  13. Eric Anderson (Ph.D. 2011 w/Doug Sicker) – wireless networks. Currently CMU ECE
  14. Gary Yee (Ph.D. 2010 w/Doug Sicker) – wireless networks. Currently Penguin Computing
  15. Damon McCoy (Ph.D. 2009 w/Doug Sicker) - Computer Security / Privacy, currently NYU
  16. Tipp Moseley (Ph.D., 2007) - Computer architecture & performance tools. Currently at Google
  17. Robert McTasney (Ph.D. (ECE) 2008) – software defined radio. Initially Faculty at Westpoint, curremtly CACI
  18. Graham Schelle (Ph.D., 2007) - General purpose FPGA abstractions. Currently Fellow at AMD
  19. Brad Morrey (PhD 2006) - deduplicating storage systems. Initially Hewlett Packard Labs, currently unknown.
  20. Michael Neufeld (PhD 2004) - wireless networks w/directional antennas. Currently Akamai.
  21. Marco Gruteser (PhD 2004) - privacy in mobile networks. Initially Prof, Rutgers. Currently Google & ACM SIGMOBILE chair.
  22. Soraya Ghiasi (PhD 2004) - hetrogenous (“big-small”) processor design. IBM Research.
  23. Robert Cooksey (PhD 2001) - content based processor cahching. Initially Intel; currently unknown.
  24. Donald Lindsay (PhD 2000) - architecture, branch prediction. Initially at Cisco, Arista, now retired.
  25. Artur Klauser (PhD 1999) - polypath architecture. Initially at DEC/Compaq, Intel, Google, Microsoft; currently unknown.
  26. Carlos Maltzahn (PhD 1999) - Network caching. Currently at UCSD, retied.
  27. Bobbie Manne (Ph.D., 1998, with Fabio Somenzi) - power efficient microarchitecture. Currently, Senior Fellow, AMD
  28. Anshu Aggarwal (Ph.D., 1998) - distributed shared memory. Currently CTO of several startups.
  29. Suvas Vajracharya (Ph.D. 1997) - frameworks for large shared memory systems. Currently Chair & Founder, Teravana Foundation
  30. Douglas Joseph (Ph.D. 1996) - Markov caching. Originally IBM Research Lab, currently ARM
  31. Bradley Calder (PhD. 1999) - computer microarchitecture - UCSD, Microsoft, currently VP & GM Google Cloud
  32. Harini Srinivasan (PhD 1994, w/Jean Ferrante) - IBM Research, currently IBM Sustainability Software

Ph.D. with joint work but not official adviser

  1. Anmol Sheth (Ph.D. – 2007, Rick Han was Ph.D. advisor) Joint work on wireless & SDR. Currently Amazon.
  2. Richard Neves ( PhD 1999, Bobby Schnabel was PhD advisor) - joint work on whole program optimization for threads. Corporate VP, Microsoft.

Ph.D. in progress

  1. Joseph Bloemstadt (Ph.D., networking & architecture) - Meta


  1. Michael Buettner (M.S. 2006? – wireless networks), went on to Ph.D. at UW-Seattle, then Google.
  2. Graham Schelle (MS 2004) – Continued in PhD program
  3. Ashish Jain (MS 2003) - wireless networking & click router - currently CoreLogic
  4. Jason Casmira - microarchitectural slack prediction & use - currently at Intel
  5. Dennis Colarelli - energy saving disk arrays
  6. Audun Tornquist (MS 2001) - Currently Read Thread Games
  7. Abhijit Paithankar - Dependence vs. value prediction.
  8. Anshu Aggarwal (MS, 1995) - Continued in PhD program.
  9. Eric Borch (MS, 1997) - microarchitecture. Currently Distinguished Technologist, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
  10. Mark Streich (MS 1990, auto-paralllelizing compiler optimizations) - Founder NPV1


  1. Paul Kasemir (BS Thesis, 2007) – wireless network implementation in FPGA
  2. Nels Anderson (BS, REU student 2005) - Ph.D. at UBC Vancouver, currently Founder Sonderlust Studios